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Yang Wu

Smart Monitoring and Health Management of Electric Grids

Research Abstract:

Electric grids worldwide have been operating for decades, and insulation ageing has been observed in various crucial electric assets recently. Insulation ageing will finally lead to severe faults, deteriorating system reliability. As the main power carrier, safe and reliable operation of power cables is the key for grid reliability enhancement. State-based cable maintenance is highly desirable in the industry, which can lead to proactive maintenance for future reliable electric grid. Nevertheless, the major technical challenge is how to measure the insulation parameters accurately online. To fill the research gap, my research has proposed a novel online monitoring framework, which has been developed based on an innovative leakage current measurement approach. Firstly, CM leakage current measurement methodology based on magnetic shield design theory has been proposed, which realizes accurate sensing of minor leakage current under far larger load current disturbances. Advanced cable online monitoring method is then developed, achieving quantitative and non-intrusive insulation state evaluation for the cables. Finally, incipient fault location algorithm has been designed, where the ageing location is decoupled from the ageing severity and precisely estimated with limited amount of measurement data. Applying the proposed method in electric grids, targeted maintenance can be attained, reducing insulation fault rate and improving system reliability.


Dr. Yang Wu received her bachelor and PhD degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2017 and 2022 respectively. She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher with the Department of Energy, Aalborg University, Denmark. Her research interest includes condition monitoring and health management of electrical assets, interaction and resonance analysis of renewable energy system, and advanced sensing techniques. She has authored or co-authored more than 25 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and holds over 15 issued and pending patents in U.S. and China. Dr. Wu was a recipient of EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (2022), IEEE IAS PhD Thesis Award, Outstanding PhD Graduate Award from Beijing Ministry of Education and Excellent Graduate Award from Tsinghua University. She serves as a session co-chair of 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022), and is also a member of technical committee (TC10) of IEEE PELS.